My 2024 Ins and Outs

Another 2024/"new year resolutions"-related post? This time I'll be covering my "Ins" and "Outs" for the year. I've been seeing these kind of posts everywhere online (the algorithm got me) and decided to make a list for myself. It's already the third week of February but never too late, right?

I'll be turning 28 this year (ahh) and I'm actually feeling excited about this year. A few years ago I secretly dreaded my birthdays and never wanted to get older. But somehow, after meeting and talking with several beautiful souls (hi, my friends) in my life, I came to realize that aging is a blessing.

I've been trying to incorporating more holistic health practices into my daily routines to in efforts to maintaining a youthful energy even into my later years. I know I'm never going to look the same throughout my life, but I can make efforts to feel my best every day.


Working out at least 3 times a week.

Getting at least 8 (preferably 9) hours of sleep every night.

Applying and reapplying SPF.

Reading a book (not from a screen) daily.

Plant-based food.

100% natural fiber (think cotton or wool) clothing.

Second-hand first.

Saving money for travels and the future.

Patience and kindness.



Impulse purchases.

Forcing friendships/relationships.

Work stress.

Social comparison.


As always, I hope you are happy and healthy! Thank you for reading.

*btw photo is not mine; found it on Pinterest - credit to


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